National High Five Day takes place on the third Thursday of each April and is as simple as it sounds -- a holiday about giving high fives and spreading good vibes.
National High Five Day was started in 2002 at the University of Virginia when a group of students on the main quad of the campus gave out high fives all day. Since launching in 2002 #NationalHighFiveDay trends nationally every year.
National High Five Day 2022 benefits our favorite non-profit organization, CoachArt! Our goal for 2022 is to get as many people to send a “virtual high five” or word of encouragement to kids in the CoachArt program who are battling chronic illness. We will collect all the submissions and share them out with all of the CoachArt families! High five to that!
#NationalHighfiveday in the media
Washington Nationals “High Five” mascot race
Keystone Light celebrates National High Five Day
World record for most high fives during a half-court shot
High five world record blooper reel
#NationalHighfiveday photos